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Мистецтво проти війни: художник розмалював бомбосховища вздовж кордону з Сектором Газа

Мистецтво проти війни: художник розмалював бомбосховища вздовж кордону з Сектором Газа



В червні виповнюється рік з того моменту, коли конфлікт між Сектором Газа та Ізраїлем спалахнув з новою силою. На територію Ізраїлю були випущені тисячі ракет, як і бомбардування палестинської території у відповідь. Влада Ізраїлю збудувала серію притулків, які стали б захистом для місцевих жителів під час авіанальотів. Рік після цього, ізраїльський художник Eliasaf Myara отримав згоду місцевої влади і розмалював кілька десятків притулків в стилі street-art.

На всіх малюнках показано те, як міг би виглядати ландшафт, якби не було стіни та війни. 

Israeli artist Eliasaf Myara paints a mural on a concrete protective shelter in the Kibbutz Sa'ad, located a few kilometers from the border with the Gaza Strip, Israel, 14 June 2015. The Israeli Defense Ministry has placed hundreds of small concrete protective shelters to all towns located near the Gaza Strip to protect its citizens from incoming rockets. On 08 July 2015, Israel will mark one year since the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, also known as Operation Protective Edge.

Israeli artist Eliasaf Myara paints a mural on a concrete protective shelter in the village of Shokeda, located a few kilometers from the border with the Gaza Strip, Israel, 25 June 2015. The Israeli Defense Ministry has placed hundreds of small concrete protective shelters to all towns located near the Gaza Strip to protect its citizens from incoming rockets. On 08 July 2015, Israel will mark one year since the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, also known as Operation Protective Edge.

Israeli children sit next to a concrete protective shelter painted by Israeli artist Eliasaf Myara in the village of Kfar Maimon, located a few kilometers from the border with the Gaza Strip, Israel, 14 June 2015. The Israeli Defense Ministry has placed hundreds of small concrete protective shelters to all towns located near the Gaza Strip to protect its citizens from incoming rockets. On 08 July 2015, Israel will mark one year since the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, also known as Operation Protective Edge.

An Israeli girl places tables next to a concrete protective shelter painted by Israeli artist Eliasaf Myara in the city of Sderot, located a few kilometers from the border with the Gaza Strip, Israel, 17 June 2015. The Israeli Defense Ministry has placed hundreds of small concrete protective shelters to all towns located near the Gaza Strip to protect its citizens from incoming rockets. On 08 July 2015, Israel will mark one year since the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, also known as Operation Protective Edge.

An Israeli helps his son to ride a bicycle next to a concrete protective shelter painted by Israeli artist Eliasaf Myara in the village of Shokeda, located a few kilometers from the border with the Gaza Strip, Israel, 14 June 2015. The Israeli Defense Ministry has placed hundreds of small concrete protective shelters to all towns located near the Gaza Strip to protect its citizens from incoming rockets. On 08 July 2015, Israel will mark one year since the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, also known as Operation Protective Edge.

Israel marks one year since the 2014 Gaza conflict

Israel marks one year since the 2014 Gaza conflict

Israel marks one year since the 2014 Gaza conflict

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